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Covid-19 Protocols & Campaign

Authored by: Des. Sapna Khakaria, Founder, The Canvas Design, Mumbai

The start of Covid-19, was a signal to alert us that if it not now, then when? Hence, we take the humble honor of having a work culture and workspace adaptable to such abrupt scenarios. Our action therapy of design implementation has been incorporated from the very beginning of our business, and it keeps evolving with various advancements. Having a common server system has helped us massively to communicate well whereas an airy green office and high hygienic standards are our core strengths too. This pandemic has only made our teamwork reach higher pedestals of understanding and efficiency.

Once the alarm is off, we shall invest in antimicrobial solutions, and grow our interest in biotechnology. We would also like to throw light on disaster management guidelines, and develop our research in strengthening the interiors and exteriors of a building. We are pleased to share its design and behavior protocol for the current pandemic issue of COVID-19. Here is what we are doing!

  • Enhance air quality and circulation for the design to breathe through openness, biophilic elements and air purifying systems.
  • Use smart antimicrobial coating as Hong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed a “smart” anti-microbial coating that can kill up to 99.9 percent of highly-infectious viruses and bacteria, including the deadly novel coronavirus.
  • Reduce skin contact by sensor automation using lights, voice activation system, zero contact policy to operate functions
  • Work from anywhere with a common server facility reducing air pollution by a decline in transportation and increasing self and social protection
  • Introduce music therapy  with a special playlist of soulful music for your employees to self-heal & meditate regularly in this abrupt change

The struggle of being in this pandemic crisis:

  • Can’t high-five or hug your best buddy? 

Do the Namaste/Dab, respect > love

  • Can’t pat on your friend’s back to ask what’s going on?

The What’s Up Nod, style = safety

  • Can’t greet anyone?

The Side Jerk, skin contact < average contact

  • Can’t keep using the washroom constantly? 

Sanitizers, precaution + prevention.

  • Can’t cough or sneeze in public?

Tissues/handkerchiefs, self steps à protecting everyone.

  • Don’t drink enough water?

Stay hydrated.