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  /  Focus Projects   /  Christ Church, Byculla, Mumbai

Christ Church, Byculla, Mumbai

Vikas Dilawari Architects, Mumbai 

Design brief and aim:
As this is one of the oldest churches in South Mumbai, the major emphasis was on scientific restoration and undoing the insensitive mistakes of the past.

How this was accomplished
The most important task in the restoration activity was fixing the shallow and long roof to make it watertight, strengthening the truss and reworking the old drain pipes with new slopes. All these activities were performed with utmost care and minimum intervention so as not to disturb the lath ceiling plaster, which is a lost tradition now.
The exteriors were restored by referring to archival images; details like louvered teakwood windows and cornices were restored whereas the original basalt flooring was exposed and the linoleum flooring over it was removed. The external and internal walls were painted white and the ceiling was given a light blue tint. The damaged stained glass was repaired by experts and the original wooden furniture was polished; the marble plaques were cleaned and LED Lights were installed in the passage. 

Happily ever after:
The reformulated space now respects the history of the structure and helps it retain its cultural significance.