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  /  Expert Opinion   /  The Significance of Design Energy

The Significance of Design Energy

By: Arpita Bhandari, Interior Designer and Design Energist, Founder of Arpita B Design Studio

Humans constantly experience an upheaval of emotions and feelings in daily life which affects the energy in one’s space through heightened mood swings. During such challenging times, we are surrounded with uncertainties and insecurities that build up even more when we are confined within the four walls of our homes. It becomes essential to allow one’s space to become a source of support, a wellspring of joy, an object of inspiration.

Do things differently and open yourself to newer experiences. Allow your house to be the seat of transformation for a new beginning. As a Design Energist, space is a reflection of one’s feelings and emotions, which means we’re an extension of our space. The home we live in is an outward manifestation and reality of our inner experiences, memories and emotions. It is important to be aware of our surroundings because our home has the ability to influence our life. As you influence your surroundings, your surroundings influence you.

Choose simple things to transcend and restore the energy of your home, reflecting in the way you think and feel. To bring a change or to elevate the energy of your space, allow bright sunlight to flow into your space, it will boost your energy as it’s a natural healer. Rearrange your furniture (a must) to feel different and revitalized in your own space. Shifting furniture pieces and changing the look and feel of your house can have a whole new perspective and a rejuvenated feeling.

Keep space clutter free. Get rid of unwanted things, making space for the new. Allow cool colors like greens, blues, violets to take emphasis in your space as these colors evoke feelings of calmness, peace, serenity and comfort transforming the energy of your house. These simple processes will allow your space to shape up all aspects of your well-being – physical, spiritual, mental and emotional, which is most needed right now. This exercise will reduce feelings of anxiety, fears and restlessness. Colors, forms and emotions play an integral part in designing or recreating a space. When these forms amalgamate they emanate feelings and emotions which impact your surroundings, thereby influencing the way you live your life.