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  /  Expert Opinion   /  The impact of color and lighting on workplace productivity

The impact of color and lighting on workplace productivity

Text: Ar. Anurag Pashine and Ar. Pallavi Pashine, Salankar Pashine & Associates, Nagpur

Amidst a transformative shift in workspaces, businesses now evolve from traditional cubicles to vibrant and adaptable work zones within flexible open-plan spaces. Fostering an era of collaboration, one finds an ever-going dialogue on the ideal office design that encourages productivity among employees. Color and lighting extend their influence beyond aesthetics and play a significant part in improving work proficiency. 

Thoughtful design encompassing mix-and-match schemes, lighting strategies, and ergonomic layouts, transforms office spaces into catalysts for optimal performance. Therefore, understanding this dynamic relationship becomes fundamental in designing spaces that optimize the work efficiency of occupants.


Color psychology significantly influences human behavior and mood. In the workplace, different shades evoke varying emotional responses and affect productivity levels. For instance, blue is often associated with calmness, making it suitable for office spaces where focus and efficiency are vital. On the other hand, vibrant shades of red or yellow can stimulate energy and creativity but might be overdoing in large doses. Further, tints and tones through artwork or office accessories introduce variety without overwhelming the space.

Enhancing productivity

Natural sunlight has proven benefits, such as boosting mood and regulating circadian rhythms ultimately resulting in a conducive office environment. Its abundance in an office setting reduces eye strain and fatigue, leading to improved concentration and well-being. Artificial lighting also plays a crucial role, with adjustable, task-specific illumination contributing to comfort and efficiency.

Balancing natural and artificial sources prevents glare and shadows, ensuring a comfortable workspace conducive to sustained focus and reduced eye strain. Implementing dynamic systems that mimic natural light patterns throughout the day also helps in creating a productive workspace.

A balanced approach

Achieving harmony in of shades, tints, and illumination in office design enhances workflow optimization. Pairing neutral shades with strategically placed accent hues ignites creativity without overwhelming the senses. Integrating layers of ambient, task, and accent lighting ensures a well-lit space adaptable to various work activities. Further, experimenting with warmer or cooler brilliance tones based on the nature of tasks fosters a conducive environment for specific activities.

Adaptive strategies

Recognizing the diversity in individual work environment preferences is crucial in employing the differing preferences for lighting and color. Offering adjustable illumination options and integrating modular elements empower employees to personalize their workspace. Further, embracing smart technology allows employees to control radiance and environmental settings, enhancing personalization. This inclusivity cultivates a comfortable environment for diverse work styles, significantly elevating overall productivity, contentment, and satisfaction levels.