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  /  Expert Opinion   /  How to create the perfect luxury living room?

How to create the perfect luxury living room?

Text: Ar. Gaurav Gupta, Director and Principal, Art Ardor, Gurugram

Modern living rooms have multiple purposes such as hosting guests, recharging after a long day and building relationships. Designers now focus on creating impactful living rooms to reflect the latest designs and personal aesthetics together. Comfort is the first thing to be considered, which is why people must not overwhelm the space with extravagant furniture, décor and accessories. Instead, one must know how to arrange the room comfortably and tastefully.

  • Define a focal point

Decide which décor piece would be your centres of attention, such as a couch, a painting or a coffee table. Once one has a focal point, one can arrange the furniture to accentuate the same. Coffee tables must be placed at an arm’s length from the couch, which keeps it accessible but not too close.

  • Create varied conversational areas

Having different spaces creates the illusion of more space as it allows people to spread out. Add different types of furniture such as chairs, ottomans and swings to bring character to the living room. Define the space with rugs. Pillows and cushions bring colour, personality and texture to the space.

  • Layer the lighting

Prioritise natural light in the living room, but supplement the same with overhead lamps and lighting. Place fixtures in different directions to create an engaging and well-lit environment. Use them to accentuate accessories, such as handpicked gifts that express the user’s personality.