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Architects Work From Home: Ar. Khozema Chitalwala explores the new normal

For a successful work-from-home strategy, I’m researching on Apple iCloud storage and cloud computing services. If successful, we can incorporate it into our work system. Moreover, I’m trying out different monitoring systems for better accessibility. Most importantly, I want my team to remain positive in these critical times so that we function together on the same wavelength.

— Khozema Chitalwala, Founder Designers Group, Mumbai

Given the ongoing pandemic, we shall continue our series of well-known architects who have spoken about the impact of COVID-19 on their firm and how they combat it in a work-from-home format. Today, we share the insights by Ar. Khozema Chitalwala, Founder, Designers Group, Mumbai. In his dedicated piece, he has spoken about some tips and tricks, which he uses to keep his team motivated, efficient and productive.

Design involves a significant amount of human-to-human interaction, which has been eliminated by the work-from-home policy. Looking at the current state of public health emergency in the world, we have implemented a work-from-home situation. Fortunately, we have are constantly connected through email and instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp that aid in seamless communication. However, we do face a lot of challenges. For example, we had earlier anticipated a five-day lockdown and we had pulled out only a certain amount of data from our server. However, we don’t have enough resources to pursue further work during the 21-day lockdown.

One of the biggest challenges in a work-from-home situation is installing a monitoring system where we can surveil the deliverables achieved. We are still experimenting with this process, and we have understood that we need specific resources for a successful work-from-home procedure, should we need to in the future. The COVID-19 crisis has opened new opportunities for expansion to take our office to a global level.

For a successful work-from-home strategy, I’m researching on Apple iCloud storage and cloud computing services. If successful, we can incorporate it into our work system. Moreover, I’m trying out different monitoring systems for better accessibility. Most importantly, I want my team to remain positive in these critical times so that we function together on the same wavelength.