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  /  Expert Opinion   /  How to reinvigorate traditional showrooms into trending experience centres

How to reinvigorate traditional showrooms into trending experience centres

Text: Ar. Abhishek Chadha and Ar. Aashita Chadha, The KariGhars, Bengaluru

Successful interior design brands create opportunities for people to examine their products using digital, traditional, and experiential approaches. The in-store experience is essential to sample the right feel to check the ergonomics, color options, and product quality. People still prefer to feel products first-hand before purchase, especially big-ticket and custom products such as appliances, furniture, and building materials. With an increased demand for more urbane, upgraded experiences, and personalized participation, most brands now launch experience centers for their target audience.

Combining the elements of a showroom and an exhibition, an experience center is spatially zoned to accommodate pockets of real setups to give users a qualitative experience of their materials, finishes, or products. Arranging the elements in the right configuration and using props like wall art, lighting, or tabletop accessories help visualize and experience products.

Planning an experience center by composed zones engages the user in a themed concept with multiple products, and each space is curated to provide the experience of a realistic setup and help visitors visualize the catalog of spaces. A well-designed experience center works as a silent interior designer that recommends solutions, which can be experienced before it is bought.

While the showrooms are made up of visual components, experience centers engage all senses of the users to create a meaningful experience. It influences the way people feel about the products, through the ambiance, lighting, or even through the background music. Furniture or furnishings is displayed for people to have a hands-on experience with the products. Thus, an experience center doesn’t simply make the products look more aesthetic but also helps in increasing footfall by offering exclusive experiences.

An experience center is meant to leave an everlasting impression, and so spaces that render an experience with events or pop-up shows in full-brand immersion are perfect for the modern-day urban environment. Expanded from the traditional brick-and-mortar stores and showrooms, the experience centers showcase product quality and comfort. Technology such as virtual reality and augmented reality are now actively present in experience centers. These spaces are curated to suit the brand, style, and audience with art installations, themed events, and walk-through spaces, where the potential consumer can assess and experience the brand on their terms.